Friday, July 12, 2013

Social Networking Sites as a medium to find a job!

Well at the request of the New York State Unemployment Office, I went to a 4 hour workshop on how to use your social networking skills to land a job. All in all it was very interesting and while I will do as asked, I'm not all that confident it will pan out. I am not worried about my knowledge or skills, I am worried about other people's perception when they see "Viet Nam Era" status as my Veteran classification. A company that hires me will get determination, loyalty, knowledge in spite of my older years. However it appears that most companies are interested in hiring young cheap help.

At any rate we learned how to use Linkedin, Facebook,etc. and how to write a profile that will make employers look twice. Apparently, resumes are becoming passe, now through social networking we were told that upwards of 90% of job seekers are hired because of "who you know" not what you know these days.

Fingers crossed, hope someone in North Jersey needs a Sourcing Analyst or a bid-meister, Purchasing Manager?

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