Sunday, December 15, 2019

Compression Socks are a pain!!

One would think that if a doctor prescribes something, it should exist, right? Well in my case I have a problem. Apparently, I have a circulation problem in my legs causing edema. In other words, blood is not returning to the heart as it should.. So I have to do two things. Lie prone for 45 minutes 4 times a day to allow blood to flow from my feet to my heart and secondly wear compression socks. So I get the right size and pressure to find out I can't get them on.

...... I had to order a sock donner to help me get the socks on. I finally got the knack of that to discover the darn socks are too long. The top binds at the back of my knee cutting off circulation which means, I'm a prime candidate for a blood clot. So for now, I am using standard diabetic socks. For the moment that plus reclining in my Lazy boy is keeping the edema in check. A doctor my sister knows, says I can get them custom made for around a hundred dollars a pair. So on Monday, I will make some calls. Everything in life is a project, I swear!! 

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Life of an Octopus!!

My sister Judi told me about a special on PBS about life with an Octopus. I watched it and heartily recommend it to everyone. Turns out they are fascinating creatures. The cephalopods actually responded in an affectionate way to the scientist's daughter. He had built a salt water tank in his living room so he could observe it. Great TV.


Judi and I recently spent a week in Southport. Very calm reflective time. Had a lot of  Fish and clam chowder. Lobster doesnt do it since it blows up my gout. But it was great to visit again.

We stayed away from the town center because its way to touristy now. Parking is horrible. Only good for trips to buy fudge and ice cream. We get our regular supplies at a Hannafords outside of town.

We stayed at a cottage built in 1790 called Barnacles. Memories were bittersweet. Its the same place where Regina and I stayed the last time we were in Maine.

Jewish Community Center

i found a great counselor at the Jewish Community Center. been going to her for a few weeks now. The main thrust is when i think of Regina to think of happy times. thats not hard to do since she was the light of my life!

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Counselors-Are they worth it.

its been three weeks now since my Regina has become part of that miasma in the universe. still hurts so to try to get on with my life, I decided to see a grief counselor. it has been really aggravating.

the first company i tried didnt get in touch with me for nearly a week.By then i went to another company and had an intake interview. i liked this person and hoped i would stay with her.
 Then a guy calls me up and says he got assigned to me. Strike 1, then we go through a list of dates to start the sessions.He is busy whenever i am free. We finally arrive at a date but its the same day that i made an appointment to update my will. So now its rush rush rush, Strike 2. We'll see if strike 3 happens during the first interview.....



I haven't posted for awhile because of  some personal issues. The most traumatic of which is my wife Regina passed away on June 29th.

Thank God for my kids and my sister who have helped me get through these past couple of weeks. They have been a big help. Right now, I just have this huge hole in my heart which is still raw.

Next week, I will be going to a therapist. Probably for a few sessions to help me begin the healing process.

I really miss Regina. We were married for 48.5 years and had a good life together.