Tuesday, January 27, 2009


We had a nice weekend, Ange celebrated her birthday with Friends on Friday and Saturday, we got to babysit Angela's dog - everyone's favorite Beagle, Shenny. She's great to babysit for because mostly she sleeps interrupted by an occasional ROOOOO!!! I also rented the last half of the 6th season of 24, a TV show to which I am hopelessly addicted. That's not a good thing when your TV's not hooked up. I have to wait until season 7 comes out now on DVD.
Then to complete the weekend we celebrated Angela's birthday by going out to dinner at the Lemongrass Thai Restaurant. The usual suspects were there Regina, me, Danny, Sasha, Angela.
We're still looking for a car for Regina. She want's a Sonata. I like them but I'd also like her to try out a Ford Fusion before we commit.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Zuni-Tam, Turning the Corner, maybe???

Recently, things have started to fall into place regarding the Zuni-Tam. The photo of her is at Little Creek, Virginia, the Marines have started to voice an interest in her, civic groups in the area are taking note of us. We still need to figure out ways to generate more money. But at least publicity is beginning to spread around about her. She is the last surviving ship that fought at Iwo Jima so that in itself deserves some mention.

Anyone interested in our progress please visit http://www.zunimaritime.org/.


Friday, January 2, 2009

Holiday Blahs..................

Except for two days, Christmas Day and New Years Day, when I spent time with the family, the rest has been pretty much a bore and a bummer. Normally, I have the week between Christmas and New Years off. However, this year I switched with my assistant so he could do the reunion thing in Chicago with his family.
Jorge told me he likes this time off usually. Well he can have it. The phones rang off the off the first three days before Christmas Day, then everything fell silent. I aggravated a lot of people, because even though it was dead, I still needed to staff the place, just in case people came in and asked for the normal services. So as quiet as it has been, I've still had a nearly full crew. People were begging for things to do it was so dead.
I want to get home and finish watching the 4th season of 24. I got hooked on that show something fierce. It's not the greatest Television in the world but as Regina says, it sure is "addictive". I went to bed at 12:30 last night and woke up for work at 4:30. Got through the first 8 hours of the day. Poor Jack, that guy has the worst luck.
Excitement is also building regarding our USS Zuni project. Now that we are docked at a great pier and have access to the ship, we can start working on it again. In the worst way, I want to sail her back to New York and dock next to the Intrepid during a Fleet Week not to distant in the future.