Thursday, February 5, 2015


I just realized that I hadn't posted anything in a while. Where to start? Well, I've been quite busy researching a judge Arthur S. Tompkins for the historical society. Turns out to be a pretty interesting guy. Also we've been snow bound, it seems to dump at least a foot a snow a week around here lately. The next round is supposed to be this Sunday into Monday. They're saying 6 to 10 inches. I've also made several trips to the VA clinics around here lately. I'm due it so why not use it, right. Nothing serious. Weight reduct programs, ear, nose and throat visits, Hearing tests, Optometrist, etc.

The VA gives me a good deal so its worth taking advantage of. So far they have been quick, courteous and inexpensive. Can't complain about that. I salted the drive way, yet again and bought 25 more pounds of calcium chloride. God I hate snow. Never thought I'd say it, but as one gets older, snoq is not our friend.

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