I have been a heck of a reader all my life. The first adult book I ever read was by Burke Davis at the tender age of 8. It was titled "Jeb Stuart, The Last Cavalier". I credit that book with starting me on a life long obsession with the American Civil War. My library really kicked into high gear when I went to college and joined the History Book Club. Once you joined, you had to agree to three purchases a year.
Each month there was an editors choice. If you didn't like it, you could substitute a selection. I substituted regularly for the first few years to build up my Civil War collection. While I would request a Civil War biography, Regina would choose Henry VIII or "Marriage in the Middle Ages".
At any rate, we built up quite a collection of books. After a while I just gave up and accepted whatever the editors choice was. We eventually had 6 floor to ceiling book cases in the living room. Once the kids left, we used their closets.
Then an amusing thing happened. We live in a townhouse. It has no attic or basement. No more storage room here. I finally surrendered and sent a note to the History Book Club canceling my membership. They sent me a note back begging me to stay on. I had been a member for 21 years and they didn't want me to go. They offered to suspend my account for a bit. I politely declined and cut ties.
Fast forward to 2020.. I decided to start clearing out the house. I kept A few books, but donated 70 cases of books to a local library. 30 cases were all Civil War books. Once in a while, I buy A book I really want. But I purchase the e-book version so I store it on the computer.
Regina was an English Literature major in college and I was a History major. So the house was crammed with books. We really loved to read and absorb knowlege. I'd say about 75% of my books were non-fiction. The other 25% were mostly westerns. I love Louis Lamour, Mark Twain, Bret Hart, Owen Wister, Walter Van Tilburg Clark and more recently Robert Parker and Craig Johnson.
In my humble opinion, the younger generation is missing a lot by being obsessed with video games. Books are way more fulfilling. I've rambled on enough........just read more!!
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