This story begins on a humorous note some 57 years ago. my grandfather Charles Doherty died in 1962. My parents were in Maine attending Grandfather's funeral. I am home with my older cousin baby sitting and the phone rings. I answer it and on the other end the disembodied voice says"hello Billy, I am your Aunt Alice/" Well. I never heard of her and said so. She said she was uncle Charlies first wife, which was news to me.
As a 12 year old often does, I promptly forgot to tell my Dad. Then about 6 months later, at dinner I remembered and asked Dad who Aunt Alice was. I thought he was going to bite his fork in half 😃.
That was the first time I knew there were Doherty cousins elsewhere. A couple years back, I decided to reconnect with relatives since our side seemed to be so thin. I got in touch with Sara who in turn put me in touch with Kody who if I got it right is my first cousins (William Deback Doherty) son by Uncle Charles and his first wife Alice.
So Kody, feel free to contribute to this entry and we can further enhance our family history.
My parents William and Susan Doherty have three daughters and me. My two older sisters are Carrie Doherty and Angje Shultz. My little sister is Jini Doherty. My sister Angie is married to my brother in law Jeff Shultz and has a son Spencer. Jini just got married this year to Nick who she works in the Air Force. I have two kids Liam Ethan Doherty (LED) my two-year-old and Logan Colin Doherty (LCD) my four-month-old. I married my high school sweetheart Laura Doherty and we have been together for 16 years now and married for 9.
Kody, another anecdote. your dad spent a couple of weeks with us during the 1964 Worlds Fair. We went into the city and had a great time visiting all the exhibits, It was a little weird having him around the house. Everytime my mom called for "BiLL", three of us answered!!
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