Thursday, June 25, 2009

Point Lookout Maryland

While on vacation, I went to Point Lookout in Maryland. It was the location of a Confederate POW camp. Took a very sobering walk around the prison. It is hard to picture 50,000 souls living in a tent city. There were over 3,000 deaths at the prison. The top photo is of monument commerating all those who died at Point Lookout. Next is the cooking pot that fed the prisoners. The third one is of the monument showing all those who died by state. The one immediately below is of memorial bricks placed at the monument and the last one is of the dead line. If a prisoner walked past that white stake, he was shot, no questions asked.

Some day, If it is possible, I would also like to visit Andersonville in Georgia, where Union Civil War soldiers were kept. I've already visited the graves of those in the prison at Elmira, NY.

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