Sunday, December 15, 2019

Compression Socks are a pain!!

One would think that if a doctor prescribes something, it should exist, right? Well in my case I have a problem. Apparently, I have a circulation problem in my legs causing edema. In other words, blood is not returning to the heart as it should.. So I have to do two things. Lie prone for 45 minutes 4 times a day to allow blood to flow from my feet to my heart and secondly wear compression socks. So I get the right size and pressure to find out I can't get them on.

...... I had to order a sock donner to help me get the socks on. I finally got the knack of that to discover the darn socks are too long. The top binds at the back of my knee cutting off circulation which means, I'm a prime candidate for a blood clot. So for now, I am using standard diabetic socks. For the moment that plus reclining in my Lazy boy is keeping the edema in check. A doctor my sister knows, says I can get them custom made for around a hundred dollars a pair. So on Monday, I will make some calls. Everything in life is a project, I swear!!