Saturday, February 9, 2013

First Big Snow Over!!

It wasn't as bad as the weather forecasters predicted. I wish I could have a job where I could keep it and be wrong so often............ The forecast changed almost hourly. There was a different amount and different conditions every time I logged on yesterday. In the end instead of 18 inches we got about 10 inches and there was no heavy blizzard like white out conditions.

I was prepared for a power outage based on all the horrific stories on the news. Had battery powered lanterns and radios at the ready.There was even a robocall from Orange and Rockland Utilities  warning me about possible power outages in this terrible storm headed our way.

We had some enterprising preteen money makers come to the door this morning to shovel the snow in our drive way. Offered them 20.00 up front with a 10.00 bonus if they really did a good job. They did so they were rewarded. The only thing is that the darn highway department kept coming through and filling up the end of my driveway with snow as they continued to plow the streets. After clearing it twice, I gave up!

PS a couple days later the town came by and used Bobcats and dump trucks to cart off the snow, which is great considering these are town house developments andthere is no room to properly bank the snow. It went up to 40 degrees today (2/12/13) so the melt has started.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

VOTING IS PRECIOUS for our system of Government!!

All my life, I have been an advocate of the democratic system and our right to vote. When I was young, at age 19, I did something that I now view as a mistake, I registered as an Independent. Back then I was convinced it demonstrated my impartiality, but I believe I have been proven wrong.  But voting really meant something because I was also a member of the U.S. Armed Forces at the time. I helped defend the government and as the oath stated I would defend the constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic.

While I was too young to commit to a party platform or ideal, or so I thought, I still felt it necessary to cast a ballot. These last two elections have convinced me otherwise. Yes, I can vote for anyone in the main election on election day, but as an independent, I could not vote in the primary and thus support a candidate I may have liked. I don't like the way the country is headed now. The Democrats have turned 100% into the entitlement party. They clearly do not believe in the old adage of pulling yourself up by your boot straps. They want the government in everything. Whereas, I believe in limited government. For awhile I thought the Republicans were the answer, but the last two elections they have proved to be a bunch of wuss's. All they are worried about is whether or not they appeal to one voting block or another, not what is right for the country.

So, I went to the Board of Elections in New City today and re-registered as a member of the Conservative Party because, I believe that only conservative values will change this country around. My one Conservative registration will not make a huge difference, but if there are enough of us out there who are fed up with the direction this country is headed, maybe more will go under the conservative banner.  All I know is I feel now like I made a stand or a point or whatever you want to call it.

Re-enlisted in the Rockland Civil War Round Table

I did something last night I wasn't able to do fro the last decade, I re-enlisted in the Rockland Civil War Round Table. A decade ago, I was a very active participant in the Round Table, I even received a plaque acknowledging my contribution to Civil War history in Rockland County way back when! Unfortunately, I haven't been able to attend meetings because of the heavy work load on the job. I was unable to get home by 7:30 when the meetings started; or, if I did, I was too tired. 

Now that I'm free I am able to do some of the things I have enjoyed in the past. Last night I saw some familiar faces and renewed acquaintances. I even met a gentlemen who was a volunteer at the Historical Society of Rockland County. He read my manuscript on the histories of many of the Rockland men who served in the Civil War.

Last night's presentation by Tom Fox was pretty interesting, it was about a soldier from the 33rd New Jersey Infantry, Willie McGee,  who was a con man and wound up being awarded the medal of honor for something he didn't do. The speaker chronicled his life and how he got away with some outrageous behavior until he was lost track of in the mists of time. I hope to get more involved down the road. Right now, I'm just taking a back seat and soaking it all in, but those little gray cells are beginning to percolate!!!If you live in the Rockland County, Bergen County area and are interested in our history or the Civil War, I strongly suggest a visit to our Round Table. Our web site is Rockland Civil War Round Table

 Our meetings are at 7:30 PM on Wednesday nights at the American Legion Hall in Pearl River, NY 10965.


Tuesday, February 5, 2013

OH NO, Mr. Bill, I Forgot how to make Chicken Cutlets!!!

I could not believe what happened last night. Regina asked me to make chicken cutlets because she was working late. So I said ok! Now there was a time when I was a great Chicken Cutlet cook; however, last night was not a good effort. I hadn't done it in so long that I literally forgot what to do.

As I gathered the ingredients, I was pretty confident, after all everyone used to like them. In fact to this day, Chicken cutlets remain my favorite meal. So I assembled the ingredients, eggs, chicken, bread crumbs and 100% cold pressed virgin olive oil per my picky wife's request :-)

I heated up the oil, dumped the chicken cutlets in the egg wash and put them in the pan to fry. The only problem was I had forgotten that it was a two step process, first the egg wash THEN the bread crumbs. As a result, the bread crumbs kept sliding off the chicken as I was turning the breasts over. So I would take more bread crumbs and layer them on the chicken. While doing this, It dawned on me that I completely forgot I was supposed to smash the cutlets with a wooden mallet we had in the house to flatten them. Consequently the cutlets were a lot thicker than they should have been. Boy did I feel like a dope. Its been about 15 years since I last did them.  At least I remembered to lay them on a plate covered with paper towels and patted them dry to remove excess olive oil.

They were edible though, still tasty with a thick crust, most importantly not burnt. I consoled myself with the thought that at least she didn't have to cook them and it was a hot meal after coming in from a cold night.

The next time I do it, it will be a lot easier now that it has come back to me. :-)